Monday, October 12, 2009

The Economics of Climate Change

My Perspective:

This is a short video on how Climate Change is not driven by CO2. Rather, it is driven by the sun and we have no effect on how hot or cold our planet is. besides the warm times have been the best times for humanity and nature on Earth. The only thing we can do is prepare for the cold that will inevitable come at differing intervals that we cannot change. Shouldn't we use science to help us figure out the cycles of our climate so we can be prepared as a free informed people, and use our own discretion for how we want to behave to prepare for such an event as a cooling trend, instead of having a more powerful and oppressive government come in and force us to curtail our economic behavior and private decisions? And being better informed will help drive innovation--and the success of the economy, which is all of us and our livelihoods--to bring people the things that they need to deal with nature as it exists naturally instead of having government step in and stall our economy by making us act in a way that does not conform to reality?

Just thing about it.

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